Wednesday, October 8, 2008

the key to prevention.

Ampalaya is known as bittergourd and because of its bitter taste. But did you know that its taste has a good effect in our health? Not only that, it has also a big help to us especially those people who has diabetes. Why? It is because Ampalaya helps to maintain the blood sugar level of the body naturally and it makes us resistant to infection both viral and bacterial. And if we take it daily, it could lead us be resistant in our daily works.

Not only that, it also helps us to remove unwanted waste in our body. And if ever you do have problems in your eyes like blurriness, by eating and taking it, ampalaya could cast away it.

In addition, if you feel sleepy or tired during the day and mid-day, by taking ampalaya you will not feel this anymore.

The safety ness of Ampalaya!

By: Ethan Basch, Steven Gabardi, Catherine Ulbright

Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is an alternative therapy that has primarily been used for lowering blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus. Components of bitter extract appear to have structural similarities to animal insulin. Antiviral and antineoplastic activities have also been reported in vitro. Four clinical trials found bitter melon juice, fruit, and dried powder to have a moderate hypoglycemic effect. These studies were small and were not randomized or double-blind, however. Reported adverse effects of bitter melon include hypoglycemic coma and convulsions in children, reduced fertility in mice, a favism-like syndrome, increase in g-glutamyltransferase and alkaline phosphatase levels in animals, and headaches.

Bitter melon may have additive effects when taken with other glucose-lowering agents. Adequately powdered, randomized, placebo-controlled trials are needed to properly assess safety and efficacy before bitter melon can be routinely recommended.

Bitter melon may have hypoglycemic effect, but data are not sufficient to recommend its use in the absence of careful supervision and monitoring
Index terms: Alternative; Antidiabetic agents; Diabetes mellitus; drug interactions; Momordica charantia; Plants; Toxicity.

Bittermelon (Momordica charantia) is used primarily as an alternative therapy for diabetes. A member of the Cucurbitaceae family, the plant grows in tropical areas, including parts of the Amazon Basin, Africa, Asia, the Carribean, and South America. The bitter melon plant is a vine with green leaves and yellow flowers; the fruit itself is oblong and green, resembling a cucumber.

*Bitter melon should be avoided by patients with known allergy or hypersensitivity to bitter melon or members of the Cucurbitaceae (gourd and melon) family, including Persian melon, honeydew, casaba, muskmelon, and cantaloupe.

Adverse effects
No large-scale studies have been undertaken to establish the safety of bitter melon. The most commonly reported adverse effects are discussed here.
Endocrine. Bitter melon has been found to lower blood glucose levelsin animal studied and in several methodological weak human trials.15-18 Proposed mechanisms include insulin-like effects,7,15 stimulation of pancreatic insulin secretion,9 decreased hepatic glucogenesis, increased hepatic glycogen synthesis, and increased peripheral glucose oxidation.8 Two case reports have documented hypoglycemic coma and convulsions in children after administration of a bitter melon tea.19,20

Gastrointestinal. The seeds and outer rind of bitter melon contain a toxic lectin that inhibits protein synthesis in the intestinal wall. However, this has not been correlated with clinical signs or symptoms in humans.13.

Genitourinary. The fertility rate of mice fed with daily bitter melon juice dropped from 90% to 20% in one study.21 Spermatogenesis was inhibited in dogs fed a bitter melon fruit extract for 60 days.22 Studies of MAP30 have not shown an effect on human sperm mortility in vitro.
Hematologic. Individuals with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency are at risk of developing favism after ingesting bitter melon seeds.20 Favism is defined by the onset of hemolytic anemia and other symptoms, including headache, fever, stomach pain, and coma. The glycosidic compound vicine, a favism-including, chemical, has been isolated from bitter melon.24 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and favism are most common in persons of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern lineage.

Hepatic. Significant increases in g-glutamyltranferase and alkaline phosphatase have been observed in animals after oral administration of bitter melon fruit juice and seed extract.25 These increases have not, however, been associated with significant histopathologic changes in the liver. The clinical relevance in humans has not been studied; caution is warranted, particularly in patients with underlying liver disease,
Neurologic. Headches have been reported after the ingestion of bitter melon seeds,20 but detailed information about headache severity and duration is not available.

Use in pregnancy and lactation
Bitter melon should not be consumed during pregnancy. Two proteins isolated from the raw fruit have demonstrated abortifacient properties in animals.26-28

Drug interactions
Bitter melon may have additive effects when taken concomitantly with other blood glucose-lowering agents. In a poorly described case-series study, additive glucose-lowering effects (measured with GTTs) were seen in eight of nine subjects when bitter melon juice or fried fruit was taken concomitantly with sulfonylureas.16 A 40-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes mellitus experienced additive glucose-lowering effects when ingesting both the sulfonylurea when ingesting both the sulfonylurea chlor-propamide and a curry-containing bitter melon and garlic preparation.29 Garlic has been said to have hypoglycemic properties, although human evidence is limited. In rats, oral bitter melon juice has been found to potentiate the glucose-lowering effects of the sulfonylurea tolbutamide.30

Dosage and administration
Because of the wide variations in preparations techniques, the optimum dosage of bitter melon has not been determined. In the available studies, bitter melon was sometimes administered as a fruit juice doses of 50 mL16 or 100 mL.18 Juice formulations have been reported to have more potent effects on blood sugar and HbAIC levels than the powcer of the sun-dried fruit.17 However, safety and efficacy have not been established for any specific dosage of bitter melon.
Subcutaneous administration of bitter melon has been studied in humans.15 When used subcutaneously, Baldwa et al. used a sliding scale for vegetable insulin isolated from the bitter melon fruit. The safety, efficacy, and optimum dosage for this formulations and route have not been established.
Data on pediatric dosages are lacking. Extreme caution is warranting in view of the two case reports of hypoglycemic coma in children who were given bitter melon tea.19,20

Place in therapy
Bitter melon is used medicinally mainly for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Some preliminary evidence suggests that the consumption of bitter melon as whole fruit, extract, or dried powder may reduce blood sugar levels. Most trials have been small, brief, and poorly designed and reported. Since diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition requiring long-term treatment, a longer and better trial is needed to assess safety and clinical efficacy. Such a study could also help in creating a standard dosage form and dosage schedule.
At this point, given the lack of standardization of dosage and administration and the weakness of the efficacy and safety data, routine use of bitter melon cannot be routinely recommended. This alternative medicine agent should be used only under the strict supervision of a licensed health care professional and with careful monitoring of serum blood glucose and possible adverse effects.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Some details about ampalaya.

By: Dr. Emil Aguili

Ampalaya [Scientific name: Momordica charantia]

How can bitter gourd (ampalaya) help our body?

Ampalaya is a remarkable health food. Historically, bitter gourd has been around for quite a long time, more than the time of the parents of our great grand parents, I believe. However it was only during the early 1940s that health information on ampalaya got into scientific literature. What we also know is that bitter gourd (or variety of bitter gourd) is heavily consumed by the Amazons and Brazilian indigenous people. So that this vegetable has a long history of being a safe food and a health tonic.

Although animal studies have shown that ampalaya lowers blood glucose, there’s still a lack of a “large enough study” that fully document the benefits of ampalaya. Be as it may, there have been “large enough” anecdotes that claim that ampalaya is beneficial in diabetes, alone or in combination with medicines prescribed by doctors. Even more interesting is the report that amplaya lowers the fat in our blood and makes us resistant to infections, both viral and bacterial. To some extent, historically, people have used the juice of bitter gourd as topical medicine for wounds. If this is not enough, know this: there are now reports that ampalaya can protect us from developing cancer in the same way our body naturally protects itself against emerging cancer cells. These would mean that ampalaya enhances our immune system to fight cancer and infections. Isn’t it that great? Why wait to get sick? Start taking ampalaya supplements as early as possible. Ampalaya is also rich in antioxidants that protect the cells of the body from damage of free radicals (metabolic by-products, usually waste).

How should we use it?

For people who are well, eating ampalaya as part of the diet is very important. However, one would soon succumb to boredom in eating ampalaya, so it becomes less interesting to eat and you may run out of recipes. If you can eat it raw, the better but better is bitter. So we get into the convenience of ampalaya in capsules. Not just 500 mg per capsule; as we know that is the minimum. Be informed of the products out in the market; choose the one that can give you more per capsule. Otherwise you end up popping up so many capsules a day.

The bottom line is: use ampalaya to prevent disease rather than a cure for disease. Curing disease is more expensive than preventing disease, so, for those who have a family history of diabetes and cancer, take ampalaya capsules now as part of your dietary supplement. Start bringing back what we lose in processed food.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008



What is the main ingredient of Insupro Forte?

Insupro Forte is a bitter gourd extract, which contains plenty of plant insulin (each gram of extract contain insulin ≥400µIU) and hypoglycemic agent Momordicoside & Charatin. It is a product specially formulated for diabetes.

How much bitter gourd needed for an Insupro Forte capsule?

An Insupro Forte capsule required 3~5kg of bitter gourd. This is because only minute amount of active ingredient can be extracted from a bitter gourd. Other ingredients used for manufacturing side product.

How to take Insupro Forte?

Method of use for Insupro Forte, please refers to the packaging.

Prevention and general health

1 capsule, 2 times a day. To be taken 1/2 hour before meal.

Diabetic Patient

2 capsules, 3 times a day. To be taken 1/2 hour before meal.

How long does it take to see the result?

The effectiveness of Insupro Forte depends on individual health condition. Generally effect can be observed within 7-10 days. To improve the effectiveness, a proper diet has to be practiced as well.

Can Insupro Forte take with other INS product (such as So Easy) at the same time?

INS products are produced from natural resources, therefore can be taken together without any cross reaction. However, if wish to take So Easy and Insupro Forte at the same time, So Easy is recommended to be taken first. This is because when taking So Easy, blood glucose may become unstable initially due to healing crisis. This response is similar to Insupro Forte and may cause confusion and worry among consumers. Thus, So Easy and Insupro Forte are recommended to take separately with prior to So Easy. For other INS products for example INS wheatgrass and Insupro Forte, the effect even better when take together.

Can Insupro Forte take with other food, herb, or drinks such as ginseng, coffee or tea at the same time?

Insupro Forte is not recommended to take with other foods or drinks. This is because it may influence the effectiveness of the product. In fact, diabetic patients are not recommended to drink excessive tea or coffee, because these drinks will affect their health.

Can Insupro Forte being taken by those who have unstable blood glucose level?

Generally, blood glucose will not appear a large scale of undulation, unless the health condition is out of control or under the adjustment of taking supplementation, thus the consumer is recommended to find out the causes of the unstable situation, then start to take Insupro Forte after the condition of blood glucose had been stabilize.

Who should refrain from taking Insupro Forte?

- Every pregnant mother has risk to deliver unhealthy baby. To avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, pregnant mother is recommended to take Insupro Forte after delivery.

- Breastfeeding women need to provide sufficient milk for baby. Taking Insupro Forte may affect the quality and supply of milk. Therefore Insupro Forte is recommended after lactation.

- Severe kidney failure patients are high risk patients with high mortality. Insupro Forte is not recommended to avoid any unnecessary situations.

Can Insupro Forte be taken before or after operation?

Insupro Forte is recommended to be taken after operation when patient is certified stable by the doctor.

What is the possible healing crisis of Insupro Forte?

Healing crisis depends on individual health condition. For diabetic patients, some common diabetic symptoms such as thirsty, frequent urination may become prominent in the beginning. In fact, increase in blood glucose level is the most common symptoms. The duration for healing crisis is also dependent on individual health conditions. Some disappear within one or two days but some may last for weeks.

What action should be taken if the healing crisis is too strong when we are taking Insupro Forte?

If the healing crisis is too strong, for example an exponentially rise in blood glucose level, patient are recommended consult immediately to nutritionist for further advice.

Will hyperglycemia reoccur when stop taking Insupro Forte?

No, hyperglycemia will not reoccur when stop taking Insupro Forte. This is because Insupro Forte helps in activating βcells to produce insulin, improves the sensitivity of the target cells to insulin, increases the amount of receptors on red blood cells and enhancing insulin transport. In other words, it improves the functions of the pancreas, but it is still recommended to maintain 2 capsules daily for prevention. In addition, good eating habits have to be practiced as well.

Can Insupro Forte be used externally?

Insupro Forte is specially formulated to be taken orally. To accelerate the process of wound healing, diabetic patient can apply wheatgrass powder externally to the wound as wheatgrass possesses wound healing ability.

How to reduce the dosage of the insulin when taking Insupro forte for those who are injecting insulin?

For those who are injecting insulin, blood glucose should be examined after taking Insupro Forte for 10 to 14 days. If blood glucose level decrease apparently, patients can take Insupro forte with reduction of insulin dosage as below.

Current amount of insulin injection / IU

Recommended insulin reduction/ IU

40 IU and above


20 IU to 40 IU


Below 20 IU


Patients are recommended to check their blood glucose level after 1 week. If the result is positive, repeat the above procedure until no insulin is needed. During the process, the dosage of the Insupro forte should be consistent and proper diet should be practiced.

Why is Insupro Forte able to reduce blood glucose level?

The active ingredient extracted from bitter gourd or so-called plant insulin has 3 similar characteristics to animal insulin:

  • Both possesses similar double peptide chain structure.
  • Both contain hypoglycemic function.
  • Both activity and content can be examined by radioimmunoassay. Radioimmunoassay can examine the activity and content base on the concept that insulin is complementary to its antibody.

Insupro Forte has been tested to contain 200μIU of plant insulin by radioimmunoassay. This proves that Insupro Forte is as active as insulin otherwise it cannot bind to its antibody. Moreover, 600 cases of clinical studies reassured that the amount of active plant insulin is the key to lower the blood glucose.

How the Insupro Forte reduce the blood glucose level?

Insupro Forte is plant insulin, thus it is easier to be absorbed by the body compare to animal insulin. After adsorption, the mechanisms for lowering blood glucose are as below.

  • It supplies exogenous insulin through oral route.
  • Activates B cells to produce insulin.
  • Improves the sensitivity of the target cells to insulin.
  • Increases the amount of receptors on red blood cells and enhances the transportation of insulin.

Why Insupro Forte? What is the uniqueness of Insupro Forte?

The uniqueness of Insupro Forte includes:

  • Insupro Forte is a plant insulin, extracted from natural ingredient (bitter gourd)
  • Natural and toxin-free
  • No side effect (side effect caused by drugs can be avoided)
  • Clinical trials and researches from 20 hospitals including China Diabetes Association Vice President, Professor Zhang, which involved 600 diabetic patients type I and type II. It proved that Insupro Forte can lower blood glucose level with effectiveness up to 86.68 percent.
  • Result can be seen within 7-10days.
  • Recognition from medical professionals: Research carried out by Malaysian Top university ——University of Malaya, confirmed that Insupro Forte has anti-diabetic property.
  • Approved by Ministry of Health Malaysia, safe to be consumed.
  • Quality based on activity. Each gram of extracts contain insulin ≥400µIU, other biter melon products contains only saponin.
  • Animal testing confirmed no hypoglycemic effect.
  • The main functions of Insupro Forte are to protect βcell, increase the amount of βcells and repair defect βcells, thus revitalize pancreas function. Therefore, it is totally different from substitutive therapy in modern medicine.

Can I eat fresh bitter gourd instead of Insupro Forte?

Insupro Forte is a product extracted by using high biotechnology. An Insupro Forte capsule contains 3-5 kg bitter guard extracts, and also being processed to increase the resistance to stomach acid and for better absorption. There are two problems if replace Insupro Forte with fresh bitter gourd. First, bitter gourd contains very minimal amount of hypoglycemic agent. Large consumption is needed to achieve the same amount as in a capsule. Moreover, if 6 capsules are required daily, a very large amount of fresh bitter gourd is needed. Second, if we take fresh bitter gourd, the active agent of bitter gourd will be destroyed by stomach acid, thus the hypoglycemic effect may not be significant.


Charantia is made from only 100% dried whole Ampalaya fruits. It fortifies a low-fat, high-fiber diet to help stabilize elevated glucose levels. It is as safe and effective as established by tradition and proven by science. With regular daily use of Charantia, you can enjoy a healthier, fuller life.

Clinically Proven
It has been proven to preserve Ampalaya’s benefits, such as:
lowers blood sugar level and improves glucose tolerance. Every time you drink Charantia, rest assured you are taking in 100% Ampalaya goodness.

A Traditional Remedy
Ampalaya has the most documented scientific reports that cite its blood sugar-lowering benefit. Research worldwide since the 1960s cites the plant’s key compounds, notably polypeptide-P, a plant insulin known
to lower blood sugar levels.

Trusted by Diabetics
When diabetics say Charantia works, they mean their sugar has improved after regularly taking Charantia. Whether they were taking medicines or not before, adding Charantia to their diet gives them a better chance of stabilizing their sugar.


Ampalaya Plus Capsule is an innovative product composed of 3 powerful herbs: ampalaya, banaba, and luyang dilaw. Ampalaya Plus has been proven to effectively lower blood glucose by the study conducted by Dr. Ricardo Quintos of University of the Philippines, College of Medicine. It can help you in diabetes, weight control, cholesterol, high blood, arthritis and pimple and acne.

Ampalaya is a vegetable proven efficacy in diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and even infection, several study have shown that Ampalaya increases the utilization of glucose by the liver. Ampalaya Plus also has Banaba, a herb that lowers sugar and helps in reducing weight. Banaba also contains strerols that protect the body against infections by boosting the immune system. Luyang Dilaw is a herb, that lower scholesterol and has anti-oxidants. This herb is also reported to protect the liver and helps maintain liver function. Ampalaya Plus can help you in diabetes, weight control, cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, pimple and acne.


ABS Bitter Herbs

It contains the Power 7 herbs that work synergistically to promote overall wellness as well as other functions like boosting the immune system, elimination of harmful toxins and balancing body organs. Contained in every capsule are the following:

Momordica charantia - Ampalaya/ Bitter Melon
Fights diabetes, boosts the immune system and is good against asthma and other respiratory ailments. Ampalaya contains iron, beta carotene, calcium, vitamins B1, B2, B3, and C, phosphorous and fiber.

Andrographis paniculata - King of Bitters
Helps fight bronchitis, ulcers, skin disorders and diarrhea. King of Bitters is rich in fiber to ensure that harmful toxins are flushed out of the body.

Curcumae longa -Turmeric (Luyang Dilaw)

Turmeric increases bile production and helps protect the liver, detoxify carcinogens and stimulates the bladder to cleanse our systems.

Corchorus oliturius Linn - Saluyot
Saluyot is rich in vitamins A, B, and C, phosphorous, calcium, protein and fiber. It is a proven diuretic and alleviates fever.

Mentha cordifolia - Peppermint

A useful pain reliever. Peppermint is also an all-purpose indigestion treatment as well as natural body soothing properties to help bring you back to balance.

Vitex Negundo - Lagundi
Lagundi is used to prevent the spread of poison especially from animal bites. It is also good for coughs, asthma, rheumatism and fever.

Moringa Oleifera - Malunggay
One of the healthiest vegetables in the Philippines, Malunggay is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorous, vitamins A, B, and C, carbohydrates, fiber and proteins. It helps increase the body’s natural immune system.

Health benefits of ampalaya

By: Juliet Cohen

Ampalaya is a remarkable health food.As the English name suggests (bitter melon), the melon has a bitter taste due to the presence of momordicin. Ampalaya is a vegetable grown throughout the Philippines. It is mostly cultivated, although wild forms can be found. the Ampalaya is both a nutritious vegetable and a trusted medicinal herb that grows abundant in many regions in Asia and South America. Ampalaya comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. The typical Chinese phenotype is 20 to 30 cm long, oblong with bluntly tapering ends and pale green in color, with a gently undulating, warty surface.

Today, the Bitter Melon is well-accepted as a useful supplement and is readily available in many commercial variants all over the world. Bitter melons are seldom mixed with other vegetables due to the strong bitter taste, although this can be moderated to some extent by salting and then washing the cut melon before use. Ampalaya, until recently has been proven to be an effective herbal medicine for many aliments. Most significant of which is for Diabetes. Ampalaya contains a mixture of flavanoids and alkaloids make the Pancreas produce more insulin that controls the blood sugar in diabetics.

Aside from Ampalaya's medicinal value, it is good source of vitamins A, B and C, iron, folic acid, phosphorous and calcium. Ampalaya is also rich in antioxidants that protect the cells of the body from damage of free radicals (metabolic by-products, usually waste). Ampalaya is noted to be an effective component in herbal medicine, and the fruit is known to help treat, or alleviate the symptoms of rheumatism and gout and ailments of the spleen and liver. The traditional remedy is made by pounding the raw fruits into a bitter liquid, or by boiling the leaves and fruits for a few minutes, the resulting water then drank as a herbal tea.

As the acrimonious fruit is renowned for its many healthful attributes. For coughing, fever, worms, diarrhea, diabetes, drink a spoonful every day of grounded and juiced ampalaya leaves. For new health conditions, the fruit and leaves can both be juiced and taken orally. For wounds, burns and new rind diseases, you may use the fruit's warmed leaves to the stricken region. Taking juice made from acrimonious gourd too helps in the handling of impairment, which is mainly caused by unsound eating habits and regular dietary practices. This fruit not simply is better at relieving an indigestive circumstance, but too aids in treating impairment.

Philippine government recognizes ampalaya's health benefits.

Ampalaya is back in its status as a supplementary medicine for diabetes.

Health Secretary Francisco Duque has issued a circular reinstating ampalaya (scientific name Momordica charantia Linn. as a scientifically validated herbal medicinal plant that can lower elevated blood sugar levels.

Ampalaya is also known as bitter gourd, or bitter melon. In India, it is known as karela.

With the circular, Duque threw out a circular issued in 2003 by then Health Secretary Manuel Dayrit that classified ampalaya as a “folklorically-validated herbal medicinal plant."

The reclassification came about in view of recent clinical evidence on the efficacy of ampalaya in capsule or tea form as a useful dietary adjunct in the treatment of Type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes.

hTe DOH cited a 10-year study that found out that the vegetable can effectively regulate blood sugar in the same way as a regular anti-diabetes drug.

Results of the study conducted by the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) elevated the ampalaya from a mere nutritional supplement to a real medicine.

The study has been certified by the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC).

"We compared ampalaya leaves with an anti-diabetes drug, and we found out that ampalaya has the same effect on the patient. It means the action of ampalaya on blood sugar is equivalent to the action of the medicine," Dr. Cirilo Galindez, PITAHC director general, said.

The study revealed that a 100 milligram per kilo dose per day is comparable to 2.5 milligrams of the anti-diabetes drug Glibenclamide taken twice per day.

Sampung Halamang Gamot

This restores the place of ampalaya as among the DOH list of Sampung Halamang Gamot (Ten Medicinal Plants).

Other herbal medicinal plants on the list include lagundi (for fever, asthma, headache, toothache, cough and as wound wash and aromatic bath), sambong (for gaseous distention, fever, headache, abscess and as diuretic and aromatic bath), akapulco (as wound wash and for itch), yerba buena (for cough, toothache, headache, dizziness, fainting, hysteria, gaseous distention, arthritis and as mouthwash).

Tsaang gubat (anti-mutility), bawang or garlic (anti-cholesterol), Bayabas or guava (for oral or skin antiseptic), niyog-niyugan (anti-helminthic), and kulasimang bato (anti-pyreruricemia).

In a study, Dr. William D. Torres said Momordica charantia L. fruits, leaves, seeds and other parts, when used as dry powders, extracts, decoctions, fresh or cooled, “has clearly demonstrated hypoglycemic activity in vitro and in vivo."

Dr. Torres is a professor at the Department of Industrial Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy at the University of the Philippines- Manila.

In a separate clinical research, Doctors Reynaldo F. Rosales and Ricardo E. Fernando found that ampalaya fruit, prepared as a tea “is well tolerated and maybe a useful dietary adjunct in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes."

“It has minor gastrointestinal side effects of increased bowel frequency, but beneficial to those diabetic patients who are constipated," said the physicians who are both specialists on diabetes.

“It has no effect ton weight and blood pressure," they added. But for use as an alternative medicine for diabetes, the doctors said further scientific researches may be necessary.

Ampalaya was found containing polypeptide-P, a plant insulin that can lower elevated blood sugar level. Nutritional analysis showed that ampalaya is rich in iron, calcium, and Beta-carotene. It also contains some vitamin B, C, and phosphorous.

Aside from its nutritive value, ampalaya is also used as an emetic, laxative, aphrodisiac and even as abortifacient, according to Doctors Rosales and Fernando.

Dr. Fernando is chief of the section of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Quezon City. Dr. Rosales is a senior fellow in the same section.

In 2003, various processed ampalaya products flooded the Philippine market causing doubt about its efficacy. Because of this, the DOH had to re-categorize it from being a herbal medicinal plant to a supplement.

Detractors said Dayrit gave in to the influential lobby of multi-national drug companies and other vested interests whose market share were significantly reduced with the popularity of the ampalaya supplementary medicine.


The Chamber of Herbal Industries of the Philippines Inc., (CHIPI) promptly commended Duque for the validation of the ampalaya in the light of a global trend towards natural and herbal therapies.

CHIPI is an organization of companies that produce ampalaya products duly approved by the Bureau of Food and Drugs.

The Philippines has one of the world’s richest herbal medicinal resources and ampalaya can be the star herb for the Philippines, much like ginseng is to Korea, CHIPI said.

The group said ampalaya’s global acceptance can spur further research and investment in other herbal resources, which may ultimately help the economy and provide livelihood for many Filipinos.

In a Health Forum organized by the Philippine College of Physicians (PCP) at Annabel’s restaurant in Quezon City, Lito Abelarde, president of the Chamber of Herbal Industries, Inc., said that apart from medicinal use, ampalaya also presents a good potential as a “champion" export product for the Philippines.

Massive production of ampalaya products, he said, would prop up the economy with the job and added income the industry would generate.

Economic benefits

Ampalaya does not have only health benefits, but also economic benefits," Abelarde said.

Abelarde’s company, Herbcare, has been exporting Charantia capsules and tea to the United States, Canada, Europe, Mexico, Japan, Korea, and parts of the Middle East. He said his company focused on the export market in 2003 when ampalaya was downgraded as a folkloric herbal medicinal plant.

That time, he said 10 of 15 ampalaya herbal brands disappeared from the market, others had to lay off people because many consumers stopped patronizing the product.

Dr. Guia Ciria Abad, immediate past president of the Association of Municipal Health Officers of the Philippines (AMHOP), said she has been actively promoting ampalaya as a supplementary medicine for diabetes since 1981, and even when the DoH reclassified it as a folklorically-validated herbal medicinal plant in 2003.

“Diabetes is a lifetime disease. I come from a family with diabetes. I know that medication is draining the pockets of patients or their relatives. And here’s a supplement that effectively helps control diabetes," she told the media forum.

“We are going down to the level of the barangays, and even down to the households to deliver the information on the health benefits of ampalaya," Dr. Abad said.

“I tell the people, if you don’t have land to plant ampalaya, you can just get a pot or a tin can, plant it by the window and the vines can serve as a curtain. When it bears fruit, you can cook the fruit and the leaves which are nutritious and medicinal," she said.

The physician however advised patients to consult their doctor before stopping the intake of their regular prescribed medicines and just take ampalaya. “Even if you feel good after taking ampalaya, go to your doctor for regular check up and it is up to your doctor to reduce the dosage of your prescribed medicines," she said.

can be potent, but it can also give you a shock," Dr. Abad warned.

Dr. Cirilo Galindez, executive director of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC), said leaves of the Makiling variety of the ampalaya were used in the study. He was quick to point out however that all ampalaya variety, including the ampalayang ligaw or wild ampalaya, have the same basic ingredients that have the same beneficial effects.
- GMANews.TV

Get Bitter On Diabetes

By Dr. Boolittle

Diabetes Mellitus is a body condition in which the levels of body sugar or glucose in our blood is abnormally high. It is a result of our pancreas not functioning properly. It may either give a little or no insulin at all that. In some cases, some body cells are not responding to the insulin. And without proper insulin supply in our body, our sugar level will not be equalize.

Most of organic bitter foods available in our environment stimulates digestion. It promotes proper metabolic functions. And in many regions in Asia, a certain bitter vegetable is being used as a way to counter diabetes.

Bitter melon or bitter gourd is it's common English name. But it is known as ampalaya or "charantia" - a ripped of its scientific name. Many studies have been conducted in ampalaya. One of the studies made is the 10 year research made by the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development. Their study lead ampalaya to it's new status. Before when studies like these are not yet conducted, ampalaya drugs are just considered food supplements, but after the research, it was elevated to a real medicine status.

Research shows that eating ampalaya or juicing it functions the same as taking anti-diabetes medications. It acts perfectly the same on the blood as what drugs do. The good thing about it is that it's 100% natural, and did not undergone any chemical process, lowering the risk of any chemical side effects.

However, these studies about bitter melon/bitter gourd/ampalaya is just limited to its leaves. Further studies are still being conducted whether the fruits and the roots are also giving the same effects like the leaves.

Anyhow, it's good to know that we have something to fight against diabetes. It's all natural, and effective.

say something.

previous posts.

the key to prevention.
The safety ness of Ampalaya!
Some details about ampalaya.
Health benefits of ampalaya
Philippine government recognizes ampalaya's health...
Get Bitter On Diabetes
AMPALAYA: Good for our health
What is ampalaya?
Ampalaya for culinary uses


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